Jim's Trip Notes – Day 1

Hey everyone just winding down for the day thought i would drop you a note. Please excuse he grammer and typos.

Well we are here in Mexico took us about six hours to get to the. AIM compound just West of Matamoras. We got in around 3 today and got settled in while we waited for the other groups to arrive. There are 13 guys total on the trip from Lake Hills and another 30 or so from Atlanta. The guys from Atlanta had a lot of trouble getting here travelwise but everyone made it safe and sound.

We had a great time on the way down telling stories and getting to know one another. I rode with Tim our team lead he drove and had Ellory riding shotgun. We had Scot and Mo who are both like 40 and huge adrenaline junkies both into motocross and bikes and neither knew the other. There is Dean who was pretty quiet on the way down till we got him telling stories. Spent most of the trip talking to Brett. He is in the hotel business and has been all over the world.

So that is the first group and my team. We played bocce ball and dominos tonight and then spent some time in worship singing some tunes.

We are going to Pan de Vida orphanage in the AM to hang with about 30 kids. We have tons of candy and I have some toys that my kids gave me to bring to them. We will be building houses in the afternoon and then back here to the compound around 5 or so.

Tonight I talked a little with one of the more amazing guys down here with AIM. A young guy named Z who has seen unspeakable things happen to his family including murder and drugs. He was telling us that he got a call to preach at the church today and didn’t know today was his day. He told us he was driving to church and asking the Lord for help with what to say and looked at the jeep clock and it said 6:33 then he got to the church about 10 minutes later and somebody else asked him the time and he looked at his phone and yep….6:33. He talked to the congregation about Mathew 6:33. He was very gracious and I asked how he did and only thing he would really say was it was all in spite of him he could not remember a thing. Reminded me of when Jeannie came home from her middle school group one night and basically said the same thing that she just asked for the words and they came.

Hope I get some of that tomorrow but I am sure it will come. It is lights out now so I am going to turn in. I am thinking about each of you tonight and how grateful I am for your friendship and love. Goodnight and God bless.
