Here’s Jim’s first note from the airport heading out to Mexico again. He is texting through transitions, like crossing over the border, letting me know they’re safe and all is well. He’s excited for another mission and excited to hear about his journey there. I’ll be updating the blog with his posts as he emails them out. Here’s his first note from yesterday:
I am sitting in the airport about get on a flight headed to Harlingen to join up with the group that got me hooked on this mission work. I am excited to see these guys because I have not seen most of them in a year and lots of things have happened in my life and theirs since then. I have to be honest this trip has been different in that I am finding myself truly caught up in our world and where the future will take my family and I have not had time to reflect on the trip and focus. For example, every time I have come I asked the kids to donate a toy and this time it slipped my mind. I know it is a silly thing to be concerned with but some times I wish we were all required to take some quiet time and reflect on the lessons of life. Man pretty deep considering I am still in the airport. Take some time over the next few days to get quiet and just listen to that voice in your head. It is the truth inside. This will be the first mission for the Custer Road church since they lost Matt Hart and his entire family in a car accident last year. Most of you heard about this and were keeping their friends and relatives in your prayers and I would like you to do that again for the next few days. The Harts were a big part of missions at Custer Road and it is great they have continued on. As for today, we will be headed in Mexico and staying on that side of the border until Sunday. Starting tomorrow, we will be doing a bunch of different things but I am pretty sure we are kicking things off tomorrow with some good old fashioned concrete work. Yeah baby. There will be some cinder block and electrical work done on the Hart property which was donated bythe Harts. There will also be some kid time which is good because I bought $30 worth of candy on my way to the airport. I plan to take some more pictures and do another video once I get back. Just wanted kick the trip off with a note to you all and catch you up plus start the gushing. Hope everyone is doing well and hope you enjoy getting these notes each trip. Love you guys and feel free to forward on to those I accidently left off. More tomorrow….
Jimmy Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mob