Jim's Trip Notes – Day 1

Hey everyone just winding down for the day thought i would drop you a note. Please excuse he grammer and typos. Well we are here in Mexico took us about six hours to get to the. AIM compound just West of Matamoras. We got in around 3 today and got settled in while we waited for the other groups to arrive. There are 13 guys total on the trip from Lake Hills and another 30 or so from Atlanta. The guys from Atlanta had a lot of trouble getting here travelwise but everyone made it safe and sound. We had a great time on the way down telling stories and getting to know one another. I rode with Tim our team lead he drove and had Ellory riding shotgun. We had Scot and Mo who are both like 40 and huge adrenaline junkies both into motocross and bikes and neither knew the other. There is Dean who was pretty quiet on the way down till we got him telling stories. Spent most of the trip talking to Brett. He is in the hotel business and has been all over the world. So that is the first group and my team. We played bocce ball and dominos tonight and then spent some time in worship singing some tunes. We are going to Pan de Vida orphanage in the AM to hang with about 30 kids. We have tons of candy and I have some toys that my kids gave me to bring to them. We will be building houses in the afternoon and then back here to the compound around...

Jim’s Trip Notes – Day 1

Hey everyone just winding down for the day thought i would drop you a note. Please excuse he grammer and typos. Well we are here in Mexico took us about six hours to get to the. AIM compound just West of Matamoras. We got in around 3 today and got settled in while we waited for the other groups to arrive. There are 13 guys total on the trip from Lake Hills and another 30 or so from Atlanta. The guys from Atlanta had a lot of trouble getting here travelwise but everyone made it safe and sound. We had a great time on the way down telling stories and getting to know one another. I rode with Tim our team lead he drove and had Ellory riding shotgun. We had Scot and Mo who are both like 40 and huge adrenaline junkies both into motocross and bikes and neither knew the other. There is Dean who was pretty quiet on the way down till we got him telling stories. Spent most of the trip talking to Brett. He is in the hotel business and has been all over the world. So that is the first group and my team. We played bocce ball and dominos tonight and then spent some time in worship singing some tunes. We are going to Pan de Vida orphanage in the AM to hang with about 30 kids. We have tons of candy and I have some toys that my kids gave me to bring to them. We will be building houses in the afternoon and then back here to the compound around...

LHC Mission – Day before

Hello everyone,   Some of you may or may not know I am off tomorrow morning for another trip to Matamoras to do some work building houses and playing with the children in Las Colinas.  Just wanted to ask for your prayers for my team members and I over the next few days as we travel to and from Mexico.  I will again be doing some writing at night and sending to you-all, and Jeannie will post to the blog.    Although this is my second trip, I am going with a new group of guys and I do not know a soul. I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to do this and well; too late now.  🙂  I am excited to see what the Lord does.  I do want to challenge each of you over the course of the next few days to do something that you have struggled with and just see if it is really as bad as you think.    I will be thinking of each of you and feel free to write me back at the following address jimmy@thirdrailcreative.com.  Go on my facebook page for daily posts.  You can also check http://hamptonranch.wordpress.com   Thanks for your prayers and talk to you soon.    ...

Custer Road

From Custer Road – Mexico, posted by Jimmy Hampton on 9/18/2008 (12 items) Generated by Facebook Photo...

Mexico Mission Trip – Day 4/Sunday (heading home)

Mexico Video.  You will need windows media player.  Sorry mac folks. http://www.hamptonranch.com/mexicomissiontrip2008.wmv     Well I am on the plane headed back to Austin. I am sitting with a couple of the guys and we are all very sore and ready to see our families. We are still in laughing and having a great time. I know I have said this before but this is a really great group of guys.    We went into Mexico again this morning to do more work on the school. My career as an electrician never materialized. I decided inside the school was for sissys. Only kidding, I needed to get my sore muscles cranking soooo…….for about three hours I wielded a pick axe and shovel alternating pretty much between the two. Funny though,  I do not feel the same hateful passion for the pick axe as I do for the dirt tamper.  That thing is a killer.   I did take a few more pictures of the kids and gave Hirwin, one of the boys living at the school a 1 gig memory card for his camera. I told him he could take muchas muchas photos. Not sure his computer can handle it but great to see he and his mom’s  reaction. We did have some fun.  Larry our guide had a watergun fight with some of the kids.   Mike is the reason I am on the trip. Our friendship began many years ago when he worked for CBS and he was my sales rep. Now we are great friends and although we do not still do work together we are very close...

Mexico Mission Trip – Day 3/Saturday

Well I believe I have completed the study of strange and often unused muscles of the human body. I know I passed because I am back home in my bunk safe and sound.   We took some back of the envelop calculations on how much concrete we moved today and here is what I can remember:  20 wheelbarrows of rock, 20 sand, 10 fifty lbs bags of concrete and a bunch of water. That equals 160 wheelbarrows of concrete. Or about 12000 cubic yards. these calculations were made by my hombres down here and even though a couple are aggies it seems about right based on my back.  We have also handed out more candy than the dentist I know would approve of. The estimates for yesterday were about the same so put us 11 hombres down for 16 tons of concrete. Yikes.   What a great and satisfying day.   Here are some notess from today. We had a dog deliver 8 puppies under the vanwe drove down in. Some kids brought over the biggest scorpion I have seen. wayne on our team bought a soccer ball last night and he played some soccer in the streets. When he should have been working just kidding. Today was Mothers day in Mexico so everyone was dressed up in their best clothes.  Amazing that even in this very poor place people still take time to do the family things.   Being here has meant a lot to me. I have met some great guys he have laughed quite a bit about so many things.  We work with three guys Fredrico...