by jimmy | Jul 2, 2012 | Blog |
This morning I am back in MGA at our base camp of sorts. It is a home we have been in for about four days out of seveteen. We have been a Gringo Traveling Circus traveling from wonderful family to wonderful family. I think we are going to be here for a few days but hey you never know. We just got back from a visit to Vida Joven Camp. We traveled to Matagalpa up in the mountains of Nicaragua. It is a beautiful place and a wonderful mountain climate. It is just like being in Colorado. The vegetation is a bit different with the trees being more like the large trees of California but up in the mountains. We were driving and talking and Jeannie mentioned how it feels when you drive up the mountain you could be anywhere in the world and then you round a turn and there is a mix of Daniel Ortega signs and signs we can’t read telling you what the folks are selling or doing in their shops. Tire shop? Dress shop? No idea…but when you drive up the mountain you can see the beauty of what God has created and it is the same as where you are today. Just different signs. As we climbed the mountains the air got cooler and the coffee plants began to cover the mountainsides. We came to the camp and drove through the middle of camp and parked on the baseball fields. We are early and there are no campers yet and we had about two hours to walk around and shoot some pre-chaos footage. ...
by jimmy | Jun 22, 2012 | Blog |
Traveling is never fun. Planes, buses, luggage… Traveling in Central America is somewhere between terrifying and exhilarating. It is in those moments that you get to see a glimpse at God. Waking up at 4 and loading your family on a bus to travel across the border of Nicaragua and then hop off the bus in some tiny town and hopefully there is a guy to pick you up out of the mess of taxi drivers and whisk you away. Each time we have landed in a new country there has been a tiny sliver of time that we were alone. All by ourselves, just the Hamptons, and the rest of the world. Nobody has your back. Nobody to call on. It is a tiny microscopic glimpse into what it must be like to live here. But then after a short time a person arrives that was sent there by the Lord and he whisks you away and takes you to a beautiful place. Some amazing place with friendly faces and free flowing love and kindness. I think a relationship with Jesus is just like that. We are born into this world and things are tough. Things happen to us that are scary and terrible. We live a life here on earth. But He was sent to save us. He is that guy. This lifetime on earth, all we are given is a sliver of an eternity. 5 minutes maybe. When you have that moment when you are alone and there is nobody. Maybe He is now. Jesus will speak to your heart and invite you to get in...
by jeannie | Jun 20, 2012 | buildingaboat, buildingaboat |
“There are still valleys to walk through during our remaining days. The disappointments, the frustrations, the discouragements, the dilemmas, the dark, difficult days , though they be shadowed valleys, need not be disasters. They can be the road to higher ground in our walk with God.” Phillip Keller Here’s a snapshot of the face of Vidas Jovenes in Costa Rica. A beautiful truth is being told to many teen moms while they are being loved well by Michelle Suwyn & her team of mentors, volunteers & committee. We spent the day with these girls, their children, and their mentors, and heard some of their stories. Being around them and watching them interact with each other and with the leaders, you can see that they have a new hope. If they come in weary, they leave renewed. They feel supported and trust in the love that their mentors pour out. Through the time that the leaders lift up and present the Gospel, the girls are drawing closer to their Creator that loves them perfectly. I am reminded to be thankful that even in difficult circumstances, there are new mercies every day. Without that truth, all of our futures would be hopeless regardless of our weaknesses, mistakes or situations. My time in Costa Rica has been rich and beautiful in the way of a growing awareness of being human and needing a savior, and how we’re all the same in any way that matters. ...
by jimmy | Jun 20, 2012 | Blog |
We are now in Costa Rica. What a journey. We got on a bus at 5:30 Sunday morning and headed south. I have never ridden on a public bus much less one in Central America. The bus was pretty much a Greyhound, like we have in the states. We got rolling around 6 and headed south through the city and through other small cities picking up people along the way. I was amazed at the people we would pick up along the way We would drive into these tiny towns and out of nowhere these American kids would get on the bus. We did not speak to all of them, but one young lady was from NY and she was down in a town called Granada, a place we plan to visit. She had a PHD in refugee work, and was waiting for her security clearance. She will begin a job in DC working abroad helping refugees gain access to the United States. Pretty cool. The highlight of the bus trip was for sure taking Beck to the bathroom. Helping go number one in a toilet driving through Central America has to be similar to trying to do the same in a plane but as it is taking off or landing. The second time though we actually figured out how to turn on the light which was nice. The kids were troopers except for Libby who was a little disappointed I would not let her buy ice cream from a street vendor at a Nicaraguan bus border crossing and Beck was kinda bummed but not really that we would...
by jeannie | Jun 16, 2012 | Blog |
We made it! Danny came over this morning, and he showed us around for a few hours. We went to the grocery store today, (quite the experience) and currently have no internet but we can use our neighbor’s until we work it out. We drove over to a place and had dinner tonight as a family and found our way home just fine. The kids swam all afternoon. ( see picture below) A little culture shock on Ella’s part but she’s ok. They notice there are guards at each location we visit. This morning we were greeted by Katia, wanting rent. It was a big reminder of how bad our Spanish is. We had a hard time b/c we could NOT remember the word for “paid.” (among other words and she knew NO English) Rent had already been paid and got worked out fine. But now I’m carrying the Spanish/English dictionary. 🙂 Later today, Marcia showed up and proceeded to clean our house, start laundry and was still here cleaning when we got back from the store, helped us put up our groceries and sliced up our mangos and pineapple for us and put them in the refrigerator. She works for the Normans but we are so glad she’s still coming and we’ll see her 3X a week while we’re here. She joined us for lunch, (sandwiches) and she is helping us with our Spanish already. We were greeted at the airport by Danny Sharpe last night. He showed us homes on the way back to the Norman’s that the government builds for teachers and other public servants (police,...
by jimmy | Jun 16, 2012 | Uncategorized |
Well the first 24 hours is coming to a close. Wow. Our Pastor wrote a blog recently, about a woman that suffered a stroke and was left with a restricted vocabulary but one of the words she spoke well and often was WOW. As I lay here thousands of miles away from Austin in bed listening to frogs, distant fireworks and a thunderstorm that word WOW rings true. WOW what a God! I believe more and more as I read scripture that He wants us to pursue Him but also he is always at work making the way for us. Take this trip for example. I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago about the difficulty leading up to the trip. It was honestly one of the toughest things I have ever done. You can read the blog post here. In fact, you probably should because the way God showed up since that day has been WOW! In short, the post talked about needing my business to pick up but sensing the need to step out on Faith. Faith, not that God would do something for us.. I mean, I guess that is part of it, but He wanted us to do something no matter the cost. No matter the costs, and let me tell you I can count some costs with the best of them. This thing Faith that He hinges everything on is just brilliant. Letting go of something you can try to control and just letting the chips fall and trusting that God’s plan is better, well that is just crazy. Or is it? Over...
by jeannie | Apr 30, 2012 | God Sightings |
I think it would have been impossible for me to share this story a year ago but as I sit tonight thinking about the wonderful night we just had I feel it may be time to share. Tonight we told the kids we were going to Nicaragua for the summer. It was an amazing time. They are so excited and can’t wait. Beck actually asked if he could pack tonight. We had to tell him he needed to finish school first. But we then went upstairs and started talking about Nicaragua and I felt led to tell them about sometihng that had happened to me a year ago. Almost to the day. So we all got in Libby’s bed and with the lights out I told them of one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It is hard to share but I hope it blesses you. It was in our old house. We had just gotten back from the international weekend with Young Life. It was a powerful weekend and another story for sure. We were a couple of weeks from moving out of our house. It was a very difficult time for us all. One morning I woke up very early for me and was pretty wide awake. It was 5:16 am. This is not the normal time that I wake up, I’m more of a 9:16 kind of guy. But as I laid there I felt a nudge to pray. To get quiet and listen really. I seem to talk too much when I pray and this was a time that I was really just...
by jimmy | Apr 28, 2012 | Uncategorized |
There have been times in the past few years where I have come to a point where I know what I need to do but I am almost paralyzed with fear. This past week was one of those moments. We are in the process of exploring a trip to Nicaragua for the summer. Our plan is to take the entire family there for much of the summer and show the kids how Jesus can lead and move. Sure sounds easy. The reality is it is so much more than that. Because the question is not can we go for five weeks but what happens if we go. My business has been little slow lately and our cash flow kind of stinks. My natural tendency is to grab the wheel and make the business rise again. But in my heart I feel the pull to GO! It is hard to explain. I am learning to listen and hear God move my spirit. This is one of those times. It is clear. But what does that mean? Well, the possibility of coming back to nothing is real. What happens when I leave does the business burn up? What then? Our house? Everything would be gone. Or would it? Is that even possible? Or is that FEAR? Enemy comes to kill and destroy. My Father in heaven cares for and provides for the birds of the air and the fish in the sea. I am choosing to put my trust in HIM and let Him provide. Wednesday was probably one of the hardest days of my life. I cried often. I was...
by Hampton | Apr 12, 2012 | buildingaboat, buildingaboat, Uncategorized |
I recently wrote Sister Rosemary a letter, sending photos, dreaming about another visit, thanking her for spending time with us, for how she lives her life and looks so much like Jesus. She’s a woman that you can’t help but feel changed by when you meet her. It’s her joy, perseverance, and love of the people she serves that stands out. St. Monica’s was among the places we visited while in Gulu, and we had met her a day before one night on the deck of our hotel eating pizza. She had a great impact on me personally and our group as we listened to her and learned all she’s done for the people of Gulu. This video does a better job telling the story than I will, but this great work still goes on today and expands much wider now. CNN Heroes, Sister Rosemary (click link to watch video) Here’s a beautiful shot of one of the most beautiful women I’ve had the privilege to meet and becomes friends with: Sister Rosemary Gulu is a more peaceful place now. Many of the people there remember when it wasn’t, but will tell you that they feel much safer there now. Thanks to much of the work Sister Rosemary has done there, women and children have a new start and a new hope. There’s a great blog you should check out. Jim Gash and his family are living in Uganda helping reform some of the judicial practices there, and they have a great blog worth following. I enjoyed meeting them, and appreciated them sharing their experiences with us. Jim and...
by jeannie | Apr 12, 2012 | buildingaboat, buildingaboat, Uncategorized |
I recently wrote Sister Rosemary a letter, sending photos, dreaming about another visit, thanking her for spending time with us, for how she lives her life and looks so much like Jesus. She’s a woman that you can’t help but feel changed by when you meet her. It’s her joy, perseverance, and love of the people she serves that stands out. St. Monica’s was among the places we visited while in Gulu, and we had met her a day before one night on the deck of our hotel eating pizza. She had a great impact on me personally and our group as we listened to her and learned all she’s done for the people of Gulu. This video does a better job telling the story than I will, but this great work still goes on today and expands much wider now. CNN Heroes, Sister Rosemary (click link to watch video) Here’s a beautiful shot of one of the most beautiful women I’ve had the privilege to meet and becomes friends with: Sister Rosemary Gulu is a more peaceful place now. Many of the people there remember when it wasn’t, but will tell you that they feel much safer there now. Thanks to much of the work Sister Rosemary has done there, women and children have a new start and a new hope. There’s a great blog you should check out. Jim Gash and his family are living in Uganda helping reform some of the judicial practices there, and they have a great blog worth following. I enjoyed meeting them, and appreciated them sharing their experiences with us. Jim and...